Saturday, August 24, 2024


Things aren't so bad, it's just people that are getting worse --  as Moses Allison so succinctly sang.

Ain't that just like Levin...whatever happened to REAL life?

I do have this to say about that.  Recently passed and processed a birthday.  and it made me think how lucky/unlucky I was to be born when TVs were scarce, and people had to look at non-screen things.  Squirrels, art, rain, other people's eyes and ears, hands, feet.  Signs.  

This is not going to be yet another Old person ranting about all the Young people staring at their phones...but WTF children?!

Today at the Hyundai dealership (Hun-die?  or Hun-day? --  even the Hyundai people are not sure), a comparatively large human, male, 6'6" approx, maybe 270+ lbs, was in my path looking at his phone.  I started to change my path.  But he sensed my distress and danced beautifully sideways.  Turns out he was a ballerina, not a football joueur.   Or baller at least.   No one was hurt, this time.

God, it's so beautiful, the known universe, relatively calm and slow, like butter.  We are made for it.  Screens make you dizzy and stupid.  I don't care how good the movie is.   It's not really moving.