Friday, September 19, 2008

Things You Wish

Things you wish didn't exist, but they do:

a rubber ducky covered in dirt and mildew
millions of humans
large quantities of crystal meth
great fortitude and perseverence in really misguided people
ingrown toenails
the field of medicine

Some things that don't exist, but too bad darnit:

someone who will love you forever
a decent car
a place you can go
a really smart therapist
someone who will comment on your blog

1 comment:

Average American Woman said...

Is your disrespect for cars the true reason behind your abuse of them?

Large quantities of crystal meth + millions of humans could potentially = less of both. Think about it.

Face your fear of the field of medicine and go to a Dr., you ingrown toenail-having whiner.

I saw G*d at the grocery store today. He said to say "hi." Made me feel nice right up until the moment I saw Satan sitting out front in an idling Hummer with a McCain/Palin bumper sticker.