Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Leaving Home

Now that I've grown up, it's time for me to leave home. I plan to take little with me. Like Tom Sawyer, or Ben Franklin maybe.
Just a few items of clothing wrapped in a diaper which will swing jauntily from a stick which will sit mostly on my left shoulder.
I will find me a city, where nobody knows me, and settle it down, on the old side of town. I'll find a feeling, and we will be happy, I won't ever run out, like I'm runnin out now. And I'll never be found and I won't have to pay for what I have to do, nor what we've done today [courtesy, HT Young]

The best t-shirts are old. The old t-shirts are trash.


Chris said...

Welcome back. I've missed you - and your musings.


Shayna Grace said...

Is that song on CD anywhere? My iTunes doesn't have it.

I like your new home. It's nice. Maybe cook for me there soon? You know, in your copious spare time. er, next week.