Sunday, October 16, 2011


is when the bottle is upside down, and not a drop drops out

is when you don't hurt there, but there instead, but not really there

is when you return to blogging, because you can just copy/paste yesterday's journal entry to make today's

is when you think you've disappointed people, but you really know you haven't

because they don't care

the world does not revolve around you. It revolves around its center. Which is far from empty

is when your car stops at a red light and won't go any farther

is when you flush, not with embarrassment

is when your artery is nicked, and you just stand there til you fall down

is when there is no sound

no light

no texture

no odor

no flying roaches

it is very very beautiful here

and no one's feelings are hurt

1 comment:

Average American Woman said...

I have seen your car, your storage spaces, your calendar, and your family tree and feel obliged to point out that what you know of emptiness is purely hypothetical. You're awfully thirsty for a man with such a big glass of water.