Saturday, August 20, 2011


It's exciting fersure. I spent about 20 minutes resetting the password for my (never used -- well, almost never used) gmail account, blah-di-blah-di-blah.

I had a great thought for a new post, but I got so wound up in google support windows and emails that I have completely forgotten my awesome poetic intriguing not-to-be-missed thought....

Maybe it was about the craigslist ad I was thinking about posting. I've heard of craigslist and know you can post things there. There's nothing I really need except a whole whole lot of $ would be good, because then I could buy my way out of this box I'm stuck in. This lovely box.

What I was going to offer in the ad was companionship. And the cool thing about that is that if I succeeded in selling or giving away some of that, I would get some in return.

I would be sorry.