Wednesday, April 10, 2019


We take a breath
and breathe!
But take a life, it's killing,
... murder, Ma
What do we take when we
They (all) say
"You can't take it with you."
not without a to-go bag.
it's messy, Missy

Breath be not proud
"for your ties are too loud."
an even (not odd)
written in the
last century -
the last completed century,
Donne now.

I would give my life for my century
in a hearbeat.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

poetry and/or extinction

extinction is called that
because it really stinks
it used to be a tinction,
but reconsidered

I read that bits of organic gunk
were spread around much of our
so large system by
the big asteroid event
66 million years ago
give or take

Do people really believe this?
only if they are moved
by the movie
or rent the movie
shred it
like steve or
jeff beckons
or (slave name) jimi

I, me, I am a slave
to notes
of no particular distinction
I smell like an old man
because I am one
and saddle-y
when I die
I will
smell even worse