Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Slow Current

Let’s all get old and die later.

 Let’s just die.

The quirks of the elderly are not necessarily part (not parcel) of the disintegration of the various systems.  I face my defects every day, now.  Now that I am seeking remedies for the slowly encroaching discomforts of age.   It’s really about time.  (I am 65)

There is a thought that stays in the conscious but seems to take up little time or space --  the thought that I have worked hard and accomplished something (not sure what, progeny? --  and I use this word in the warmest sense).
And for my work I am rewarded with

Urinary disorder
Wrist pain
Time to practice
Time to teach …  teaching
Time to eat

The world is not eager for me to be responsible for it.  I surmise.  Mainly, I have little motivation to be active in the world.   I have grown used to my own company.  Not the LLC.   To which I will never be used.

But how does this play out?
I am a bit afraid of 70, 75  -- they look really implausible.

Which reminds me of the other reward of the rapid, quiet, cold ticking of an older person’s clock:  there’s time for some serious discussion with God
Which should have been going on all along.

Yoga might help all this too.
And there is the upside, the view from the mountaintop, and all the people look like ants.  Fire ants.

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