Thursday, July 2, 2009

What doesn't make you strong

Your friends won't kill you, unless they turn on you and forget to turn back. Turn back! before it's too late. Sh.....ucks.
Panic disorder is not understood. This makes it stand out among emotional disorders, all of the others of which are completely transparent to the medical community. And that other community: therapists, counselors, social workers, attorneys, politicians, cab drivers, and band front men. Not to mention your spouse who knows absolutely everything.

What doesn't kill you? Will wound you. Probably. My status as an only child (only a child) gives me special understanding of mental illness.
Narcissicm. What will kill me can be avoided or cured. I will live forever. Which is not as long as is generally believed.
It just feels like it.
I repeat, what will kill me, I should really avoid. No matter how much fun. For instance, merry-go-rounds. I know you're thinking Harmless! but there's something sinister, especially at night, after the park is closed. And those happy plastic creatures, like the dolphins in Bob's song.
Best to say goodbye to your children and drink a last cup of wine, sez Bob.

I want to relate the interesting and (you won't believe it) unbelieveable benefit I have gotten from years of unremitting anxiety (it remits occasionally). Nothing scares me anymore. Seriously. I am pumped plumb out of adrenaline. Last week my friend and neighbor had to shoot a rattlesnake in our pump house. I was the one who "found" the snake -- that is to say, I was inches from it and upset its afternoon nap. No fear! On my part. Poor snake was terrified. I thought maybe it was my breath, and I was right. Another example. Hit a lizard on I40 just east of Memphis. No adrenaline. Not much reaction at all, although the bastard tore up the front of my Civic.
I really want a big Lexus. And to be a pimp for real live hookers. Not high class, not low. I have no (real) fear, only silly fear.
The situation really kills me. I don't need late night TV. I have life for comedy.

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