Saturday, October 15, 2011

I got an email

Meaningless statement. Or, at the very least, an odd use of the verb "got." I got a hot dog implies mustard. I got high, other condiments. I got married, rings. When you get an email, you don't get mustard or other condiments, nor rings. Usually you got nothing. I know I am not alone in dreading the morning ritual of opening my mail program. Urban dictionary (gotta love the urban dictionary) has this to say au sujet: "Once an efficient and fast method of communication and message transferring, now a way of harassing Internet users with spam, credit card/insurance offers, porn links, and "Increase Your Penis Size By 5 Inches" advertizements."

Is it ok to quote online sources in a blog? I don't get much porn solicitation. Clearly my sexlife is deviant.

F*(^ email.

1 comment:

Average American Woman said...

Now *this* I can get behind. Was just joking - sort of - the other day that my job is to send and receive email. Feed the machine...