Saturday, January 5, 2013

why not

Why not post your innermost stupid middle of the night fearful crap half-thoughts?
Because somebody might read them and kill you?
Yes.  That's why not.

A little metaphysics:  If you believe, as I do, that the world is all that is the case (the sum of all true sentences), then there isn't much world as we like to know it.   The Cartesian human predicament is very much of a predicament.  Satan may be tempting us  --- is.  It is probably all a dream, several dreams in fact.   So there are no really really true sentences.  No certainty.  No world.

What feels certain is when we say to our children "Good job!"

I had a good job once.  I overdid it.  Trudat.   or Turdat.

1 comment:

Average American Woman said...

You don't post those middle of the night innermost thoughts because middle of the night innermost thoughts generally evaporate with the dawn and aren't worth the trouble they cause when imbued with digital strength. Also, they might hurt the feelings of someone you love. Or just someone. The only reason *to* post them is if you need attention or can think of no other way to provoke action.