Sunday, January 20, 2008


I have added fiber to my diet. Guess why. Right! I like that cereal little Meggie likes, Post shredded wheat n bran -- combined often with milk. Not sure my system (by this I mean my body) likes the milk part....

I'm having so much fun lately it's sad. Poor Bob in San Jose is not having fun like me. My fun is anomalous. If I were still happily married I would not be having this fun. So it is sad fun. All of it.

I went and "taught" a 2+ hour lesson on fiddle and piano to my new friends in Westlake who live in a wonderful house and are possibly happy to see me. I don't charge them for this, since I have no curriculum in place. Though they have learned some stuff. In just 2 weeks! After that I went over to Lamberts, thinking I would see Emily and the Marshall Ford guys and eat a bbq sandwich. And all that came to pass with the added bonus of Matt being there so I could get him a beer and chat, and Erik was there playing great fiddle and let me sit in on Fat Boy Rag.

Then I zipped over to Cafe Caffeine to catch Megan Melara at her monthly thing there. Her gig. Was tired from the sandwich and from being old, but she asked me to sit in, and playing woke me up. She has a throat thing, so she felt she had an off night and quit kind of early. I put a chocolate muffinny thing on top of the bbq (which was already on top of the Post cereal).

Megan's "crowd" is decidedly of a different sexual orientation than me. I feel that I am doing sociological research when I am at her gigs, which shows maybe that I am a sex/racist. The folks all treat me real nice. They just don't want to sleep with me. Except maybe one or two of the guys. But really not even them, since I don't belong to a gym and don't care what clothes I am wearing (this may change). There are babies there whom I cannot explain.

Megan's singing and writing knock my mismatched socks off, throat problem notwithstanding.

After that I went home. At about 2:30 AM I had the worst (perhaps only) stomach cramps I have ever had in my life and spent the next hour in the little room with all the drains in it, wondering if I should call someone before I died.

But I toughed it out, since I am a man of fiber!

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