Monday, January 7, 2008


Not just an astrological sign anymore, cancer is the scariest. My partners's dear wife has some sort of carcinomas and that sucks. My mom died of the crap, so I can talk.
I have trouble being serious though, so please don't get mad.
There is some poop psychology/holistic science voodoo out there now, quite related to my last post actually without my knowing about it. Something about UT finishing a study that says that stress/negative emotions/really mostly ANGER
is the number one cause of cancer. Obvious bullshit. But what's funny is this. I came to the realization that everybody is probably angry all the time! I know I am. Either I am self-destructing in anger, or being snidely whiplash with anger, or working AA steps to "find my part in it" so as not to drink from the #1 offender: resentment (that's when you re-feel anger, re-sentiment) hahahahahahahahahahaha. And all that anger we all carry (and "stuff") from our childhood because we didn't get to be loved enough by a mother or father or bro or sis or (in my case) the large groups of neighbor kids who sat on me and spit. Man that pissed me off. People even get pissed about their grades. Their pay. Their job or lack thereof. The fact that they build a life with somebody and do something stupid or look ugly a few times and then their God-destined love of their life leaves and shops a bunch at Target. Which is disappointing all around.
Target causes cancer. Worse than agent orange.
Breasts cause cancer, especially breast cancer, but lack of breast-feeding is what started me being pissed off.
Enough about me. What caused your cancer? Don't let it be rage at me. I'm just the messenger.
Oddly though, I don't seem to have any cancer. Just a few cysts and boils and an unbearable amount of emotional growth.
Pisser. I know what you're thinking...."Emotional growth, my ass!" It's benign though.

1 comment:

Shayna Grace said...

Emotional growth on the ass might should be removed.

I actually believe that 1) maybe we're all angry all the time and 2) anger and other emotions (STRESS, which is not an emotion? Wait, yes it is..) cause cancer

Pisser, really.

That's al.