Friday, February 29, 2008

Fetch Ringo (Dog Gone)

This is an unexpected continuation of my most recent entry. Ringo has disappeared. No, wrong word. He just aint here anymore. No splatter remains in the street. But after a day of aggressive Zoey chasing and humping, during which he really pissed me (and Oscar) off, hurt his right front leg somehow, was pulled repeatedly off the bitch, put in isolation briefly....and on and on til about 1 AM....I got Zoey back to mama this morning. Ringo chased the car all the way to the cemetary. When I returned after a long walk around Town Lake and a good Mexican lunch (Maudie's), he was gone.

Some kind soul picked the limping dog up and brought it home, it seems. Maybe. Humane society didn't get him.
I cruised Whispering Hollow after dark looking. Got lost. Don't even know my own neighborhood. I think i need to get out of here soon. The 3 remaining dogs are freaked. As am I. Or I'm projecting. Projecting that there's a good chance we'll get him back. The crazy little thing. And some chance we won't.
And the possible loss is a bit overwhelming. He's a gentle gentle soul who has lived with me for 5 years. Slept with me almost all the nights for five years. Whined a bit. Ate a bit. Yer basic dog. Dog gone.

Seems like a nail in some coffin. Not mine. Maybe the coffin of my residence in Buda. I called the realtor today at Goodwin, who has made a specialty of our road. Fuggit. I can't really record music here anymore. The noise level is, well, fully suburban, with added spice from our nearby industrial operations, cement plant, gravel pits, and construction.
A big world. A little dog. Sad. And lonely.
I think the other dogs wonder who goes next. I know I do. Wonder.

The road to Hell is said to be paved with good intentions. Hey, at least it's paved! I'm sorry I told Ringo F. You last night. He was destroying my newly made bed. See, I got better at it. He got worse. I want to discuss that with him, but Feb. 29 won't be back for 4 years. Sucks. A confluence of BS caused this. Largely me. The magic is turning black.
RIngo weighs about 14 pounds, wears no collar, may limp a bit, quite healthy, very fast, and sweet, and he's in love with a flash of creamy intensity which might as well be an energy drink.