Thursday, September 4, 2014

Was it SO Bad?

When the distance between the train track rails was not standardized?

Yeah, it was pretty stoopid.  Lay 1000 miles of track meant to join the existing 1000 miles of track but....No!  Off by 3 centimeters!   Can you just bend it a little?

Similar, the auto-upgrade features of software.  These are constantly improving, but so are the Big Brother aspects of our (internet) world.  It's the opposite problem:  The track is all standardized, but the trains aren't running.  Or are running so fast they are hard to see, let alone board.

People do what they can.  Thus we have:  high-rise condos, new potent alcoholic drink fads, popular books that are 325 pages long but can be summarized in one paragraph.  And spouses.

Currently I have no spouse.  I remember having one.  I remember having some one else's, in some sense.

The plural of spouse seems to be but is not spice.  Spice are the people in black trenchcoats who steal nuclear secrets.  We are all members of the nuclear family, and this is so not reassuring.

But is it so bad?  Malaria in Panama.  My addictions.  Your addictions.  These things seem bad.
But so?   So bad?   I have said before What doesn't kill you still might hurt, or something to that effect.
But is pain so bad?  I mean after all there's aways pain medication.  So sad when the opiates die, after only a half-life too!

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