Wednesday, December 19, 2007


ok fine, don't answer that -- but since caller ID is ubiquitous now you'll likely call back.

see this ring? iz round!

I took my wedding ring off earlier today, but I couldn't keep my eye on it continuously, and I checked later and there it was back on my ring finger. Damn! Little bugger. My thought is to have some minor surgery done to my tongue and have it implanted there. That way it would be less obvious that I am married. You see.

The government will always know though. They have my tax return. And they pass it around and read it over and over for laughs. It's a riot. Our company CPA told me it was my CPA's job to monitor the situa quarterly and determine amounts due.
I told her "You're talkin to him," and she said "I don't want to hear about that." Thing is (you diligent revenuer you), I'm always completely candid, forthright, and honest in regard to federal tax owed. And I pay. Seriously though, off the record, I suspect TurboTax is causing me to overpay. Hence her comment ?

And now, I've got something for opera you can't refuse. Rigoletto maybe.

Better yet something from Wagner's Ring trilogy. The Frying Dutch Oven.

Next year I plan to write some anthemic music for jews harp and melodica. Reminiscent of the 1812 overture played by recorders and pop guns (doing the cannon part). And some dance music with no beat whatsoever. And some retro feelgood music played on Uzbeki horns (the old ones that only play 3 different notes, unless you're a virtuoso and can hit that 4th high one.)

Tomorrow....the story of the human feces in the back yard aka "Does Bear roll in shit in the woods?" (has a nice ring to it)

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