Thursday, December 11, 2008

Love and Butter

When my children say "That's bad for you," they are checking for trans fats or corn syrup. Actually more likely it's trans fats.
My personal dietary belief (the only one!) is that sugar is bad for you. Makes you fat, might kick you into diabetes (old wives tale probly), whatever. I do not believe fat of any kind to be "bad for you." Butter. Nothing better.

Except love. Love trumps all. And we all would rather hear "I will love you forever" than "Here, have some more butter."
Although I contend that these two sentences are synonymous. Well not really. I mean a promise can't be the same as an offer. Except that when you're in love anything is possible. "I'm crazy about you" does mean "If you want, I will churn butter for you." To everything, churn, churn, churn. There is a seizin', churn, churn, churn.

That's where the antacids come in.

My favorite yoga teacher talks about being "juicy." Love is juicy like that. It's slick, but not like a car salesman. Love is never anything to be ashamed of, yet it will make us blush, weep, and it can cause insomnia, migraines, shattering of glass, and animal abuse. Not to mention child abuse.

I love you for reading this. Try some margerine. You'll see what I'm talking about.

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