Sunday, May 11, 2008

marriage, love, divorce

marriage is
love is not
divorce is

and it's all life and death
they are

the idea that we can be non-harming is a potent and potentially harmful idea, as ideas go
the idea that I love you is sweet
when I have the idea that I no longer love you, that sucks, for both of us

so, I love you all, forever

and since you don't exist, I can be lying, and it doesn't suck!

why should I do tomorrow? Other than that I have no crystal ball. Brighton? A young man named for a town by the sea. I thought for so long it was oneith by land, twoith by sea

revered the story

actually I was more of a Civil War guy, partly I guess 'cause my dad worked at Gettysburg for awhile and there are pictures of him at the scene of Pickett's Charge.

I feel like trying Pickett's Charge right now. But I'm not out of ammunition and I'm just not quite that crazy, at least not in that way. Plus I feel all out of shape from this prolonged laryngitis. Hard to yell "Damn Yankees!"

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